
State of the Art Imaging & Material Analysis Componentry


Provides magnified images of all manner of objects from 50x to 400,000x

Can identify the elemental composition of materials

Low vacuum capability facilitates analysis of nonconductive or partially conductive samples such as printed circuit boards

2D measurement capability at all magnifications allows precision quality control analysis


Variable Pressure Specimen Chamber

Low Vacuum BSE Mode for Sample Charging Mitigation

Chamber Pressure to 4Torr in 25 Millitorr Steps

Hi Vacuum SE Mode for Standard High- Resolution SEM Imaging

Electron Gun: LaB6 Ion Pumped - and Tungsten

Accelerating Voltage: 100volts to 30kV

High Vacuum Image Resolution: 4nm @ 30kV

Low Vacuum Image Resolution: 6nm @ 30kV

Magnification: x10 – x400,000 Secondary Electron Image

Probe Current: 1pA to 5nA Range

TURBO Pumped Specimen Chamber

Robinson BSE Detector

3 Axis Motorized Stage X/Y = 125mm | Z = 100mm ROTATION = 360° Continuous TILT = -5 to +90°

PC Controlled Stage Automation and SEM Control Backscatter Detector

Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) with state of the art Silicon Drift Detector

SEM (EDS) Testing Standards Conducted by RTI

* ISO/IEC 17025:2017 PJLA Accreditation #128874