This expert has thirty-four years of experience and is a Licensed Fire Protection Engineer in 49 states and Guam. His expertise includes fire suppression and detection system design, fire hazards analyses, fire risk assessments, construction management, fire protection water distribution system evaluations, and project management. He has also provided legal testimony for fire cause and origin investigations; building and fire code analyses; life safety; slip, trip and falls; and fire protection system design, inspection, testing and maintenance.
He has experience performing fire and egress modeling to analyze the growth rates, smoke movement and travel, effects and characteristics of the fire, to evaluate the safe exit capacity of large assembly, business and educational occupancies and analyze post-fire events.
He has served as project manager, project engineer, and lead fire protection engineer on dozens of projects for public and private sector clients. His responsibilities have included serving as a primary contact between clients, planning design schedules, scheduling manpower and staffing, meeting the confines of the budget, and coordinating the fire protection engineering tasks to ensure a complete and correct fire protection design.
He is a member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Member Grade, National Fire Protection Association, NFPA Standards Council, NFPA Technical Committee on Airport Facilities, NFPA Technical Committee, Detention and Correctional Occupancies, NFPA Technical Committee on Electronic Computer Systems, NFPA Technical Committee on Health Care Emergency Management and Security, NFPA Technical Committee on Helicopter Facilities, NFPA Technical Committee on Marians and Boatyards, NFPA Technical Committee Chairman on National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code (SIG-PRO) and Alternate on SIG-NAC, and NFPA Technical Committee on Subterranean Spaces.
He is a Past President of the American Backflow Prevention Association, a Past President of MO-KAN Chapter of SFPE and an ICC Certified Special Inspector for spray-applied fire resistive materials.
Academic Background
- University of Maryland, Bachelor of Science, Fire Protection Engineering, 1986
Professional Associations and Activities
- Glenn L. Martin Medal from the University of Maryland
- Distinguished Alumni Award of the Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland
- John L. Bryan Mentor Award from the SFPE
- Salamander National Fire Protection Engineering Honor Society - Honorary Member
- National Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), Fellow
- National Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), Board of Directors
- National Society of Fire Protection Engineers Education Committee (SFPE), Member
- Past President of MO-KAN Chapter of SFPE
- International Code Council (ICC), Member
- International Code Council Certified Special Inspector for SFRM
- National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), Member
- Kansas Society of Professional Engineers (KSPE), Member
- Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), Member
- University of Maryland FPE Board of Visitors, Chair
- University of Maryland FPE Curriculum Advisory Committee (CAC), Member
- Oklahoma State University FPST Advisory Board, Past Chair
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards Council
- NFPA National Instructor on Training Courses
- NFPA Technical Committee, Airport Facilities (AIS-AAA), NFPA 409, 415 & 423 - Principal
- NFPA Technical Committee, Detention and Correctional Occupancies (SAF-DET), NFPA 101 - Principal
- NFPA Technical Committee, Detention and Correctional Occupancies (BLD-DET), NFPA 5000 - Principal
- NFPA Technical Committee, Electronic Computer Systems (ETL-AAA), NFPA 75 - Principal
- NFPA Technical Committee, Health Care Emergency Management and Security (HEA-HES), NFPA 99 - Principal
- NFPA Technical Committee, Helicopter Facilities (HHH-AAA), NFPA 418 - Principal
- NFPA Technical Committee, Marinas and Boatyards (MAR-AAA), NFPA 303 - Principal
- NFPA Technical Committee, Notification Appliances for Fire Alarm and Signaling Systems (SIG-NAS) - Alternate
- NFPA Technical Committee, Protected Premises Fire Alarm and Signaling Systems (SIG-PRO), NFPA 72 - Chair
- NFPA Technical Committee, Signaling Systems for the Protection of Life and Property (SIG-AAC), NFPA 72 & 720 - Nonvoting Member
- NFPA Technical Committee, Subterranean Spaces (SUB-AAA), NFPA 520 - Chair
- Design-Build Institute of America Mid-America Chapter (DBIA MAC), Member
- Automatic Fire Alarm Association (AFAA), Member
- National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA), Member
- American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA), Member
- American Backflow Prevention Associations (ABPA), Past President
- The Risk Management Society Greater Kansas City Chapter (KC RIMS), Member
- ASTM E06 Committee - Performance of Building, Member
Registrations and Licenses
Alabama, PE – 2011
Alaska, PE - 2013
Arizona, PE - 1999
Arkansas, PE - 2006
California, PE - 2007
Colorado, PE - 2003
Connecticut, PE - 2008
Delaware, PE - 2011
District of Columbia - 2019
Florida, PE - 1998
Georgia, PE - 2004
Guam, PE - 2010
Idaho, PE - 2011
Illinois, PE - 2003
Indiana, PE - 2012
Iowa, PE - 2004
Kansas, PE - 1991
Kentucky, PE - 2007
Louisiana, PE - 2002
Maine, PE - 2011
Maryland, PE - 2004
Massachusetts, PE - 2011
Michigan, PE - 1999
Minnesota, PE - 2002
Mississippi, PE - 2011
Missouri, PE - 1992
Montana, PE - 2010
Nebraska, PE - 2002
Nevada, PE - 2010
New Hampshire, PE - 2011
New Jersey, PE - 2003
New York, PE - 2005
New Mexico, PE - 2006
North Carolina, PE - 2003
North Dakota, PE - 2010
Ohio, PE - 2002
Oklahoma, PE - 1995
Oregon, PE - 2011
Pennsylvania, PE - 2002
Rhode Island, PE - 2011
South Carolina, PE - 2002
South Dakota, PE - 2007
Tennessee, PE - 2010
Texas, PE - 2003
Utah, PE - 2007
Vermont, PE - 2011
Virginia, PE - 1999
Washington, PE - 1998
West Virginia, PE - 2011
Wisconsin, PE - 2004
Wyoming, PE - 2009